European youngsters on pilgrimage to Auschwitz: memory is the hearth of Europe

From Thursday 21st to Saturday 23rd we will be more than 500 youngsters of “Youth for Peace” from Russia, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania for the meeting “Young Europeans for a World without Violence”. We will go on pilgrimage to Auschwitz, concentration camp that saw scenes of the Nazi horror.

In that place, full of remembrance, young people will listen to the words of Rita Prigmore, German Sinti woman who survived to the Nazi medical experiments.

The meaning of our pilgrimage is to pay homage and to cry in that place touched by the biggest evil of the last century. Youth for Peace wants to remember that the heart of the Europe of the future is the memory that we must protect and cannot lose. Peace is our responsibility: preserving the memory means to guarantee peace.


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